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  • Blue Ridge Mountains News

Helton talks about Humane Society Driveway

Excerpt from Commissioner's meeting in May, 2019 referencing Fannin County and Humane Society of Blue Ridge's agreement.

There are many ways to settle an issue. One is to take the truth and stretch it out so far it becomes a "lie" or "fake news." The other is to do a little research, go to the source, and ask the hard questions.

Blue Ridge Mountains News (BRMNews) recently sat with Fannin County Commissioner Stan Helton to get some answers to issues discussed on social media. Brought to the attention of BRMNews were innuendos and undocumented statements, which were creating a social media frenzy spawning inaccurate details and information of events in Fannin County.

"My office is open to anyone," Helton told BRMNews, indicating he is available to speak to all citizens about any concerns, including why funds were spent.

One of the topics was the driveway paving of the Humane Society of Blue Ridge (HSBR). Helton explained some of the details and reasons for the agreement.

On May 28, 2019, the Fannin County Commissioners met to discuss items of interest to the County. Item #8 on the agenda was to make a contractual agreement between HSBR and Fannin County. Helton made the motion to approve and enter into the contract with HSBR. Commissioner Glen Patterson seconded it. The contractual agreement passed unanimously. The contract is provided below which spells out the details.

The contract between HSBR and Fannin County's Animal Control Center (FCACC) was introduced to create a working relationship between both parties. It was for the betterment of animals in FCACC and to increase their adoptability. Both entities would be working closely to find homes for dogs and cats who became "homeless" for whatever reason their previous owners chose to turn them loose or surrender them to FCACC.

BRMNews will continue to follow this story as well as find answers to other questions asked on social media in the future.

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