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Did your Vote Count?

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November 4, 2020


I have travelled throughout the County today and have heard some disturbing news from citizens who tried to exercise their right to VOTE in yesterday's very important election for our County, State, and most of all for our COUNTRY.


People have told me they went to their POLLING PRECINTS to vote only to be turned away because they were told THEY HAD ALREADY VOTED!


Can you imagine going to exercise your RIGHT TO VOTE only to be turned away because a precinct worker told you that you had already voted when in fact THIS WAS FALSE?


NO WONDER there is an outrage on many levels about this issue.  AND TO TOP IT OFF, it is being said that some postal workers HID THE MAIL IN BALLOTS OR BLATANTLY THREW THEM AWAY.


Now I am not stating the latter happened here in our County, but it DOES MAKE YOU SAY "REALLY?"


If this has happened to you (being turned away from your precinct polling place, please get in touch with the proper authorities here in the County and let them know you were denied access to the polls.


As the elections turn.......








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