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“The southern way of life is one of loyalty, respect, and love for our community!!!!

Chip by chip, our way of life has been taken away. We will rise again.”

(Charles Fish)

photo courtesy: Southern Confederate Republice

Never has a piece of artwork, flag or otherwise, made people either love or hatred. This symbol of community, freedom, and a way of life long gone has been the center of controversy for quite some time now. Groups such as the KKK and other citizens have used and/or continuing to use the Confederate Battle flag as their symbol of racism, white supremacy, and worst of all, hate. But a New Dawn is happening right here in Fannin County, Georgia, for anyone interested in showing their pride as a people, a State, and a Way of Life.


“Community is family,” stated Southern Confederate Republic's Chairman Charles Fish when interviewed by Blue Ridge Mtns News before SCR embarked on one of their recent Rides. A proud Southern gentleman who would like see hate, racism, and bigotry be in the background and the truth of the Battle Flag be presented as a major part in this country's history, has been among a small number of people who take to the streets of McCaysville, Ducktown (TN), Mineral Bluff (via 60 S), Morganton, and Blue Ridge each Saturday beginning around 3 p.m.


                                                                                                       Fish says the Southern Confederate Republic has been focusing on fundraisers in                                                                                                             community outreach effort to such organizations as Fannin's Shop with a Cop,                                                                                                                 donations to the McCaysville Police Department, and Fannin Veteran's                                                                                                                               Organizations.


                                                                                                      “Everything Southern has been demonized for so long it is great to see the response                                                                                                         to our Rides,” Spokeman Mike Crane says in a remark on Southern Confederate                                                                                                              Republic's Facebook page.


                                                                                                       Blue Ridge Mtns News has been granted permission to repost information found                                                                                                             on  SCR's Facebook's page.


                                                       Welcome to Southern Confederate Republic page!

November 9, 2020

                                                                                                       On this day where we celebrate veterans,

                                                                                                       We wanted to officially start our new group.

                                                                                                       You see, the same way that a veteran has seen the need and answers the call for                                                                                                                 help, we feel the same way.

                                                                                                       So on this Veterans Day,

                                                                                                       We present Southern Confederate Republic

A group that will do what they say they will.

A group where anyone can find the help they need.

A group that will bring a feeling of how community used to feel.

We are here to help.



Please read our Mission Statement and feel free to ask any questions about

what we are about to consider helping us to preserve the southern way of life...

thanks and GOD BLESS!!!!


     Mission statement: Southern Confederate Republic

To stand on the biblical principles and our convictions.

We are non political; however, we will resist government treading on our Liberty.

To do what we say we will do.

To spread a message of loving our neighbors by acting accordingly.

To ensure all public safety entities have their needs met as possible.

To be an entity to where anyone in need can call on us for help.

To stand on the constitution and amendments as written.

To support values such as loyalty, honor, respect, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and to serve our community to the best of our abilities so help us GOD.



The following are posts from Mike Crane.

November 13, 2020- Saturday


So great to see people cheering!


One of the great things about our Rides is to see the joy we bring to so many. Everything Southern has been demonized for so long it is great to see the response to our Rides. Last Saturday the train drove past us and the people on the train gave a great response! No - it was a fantastic response.


There is so much to Southern Heritage, the naysayers will never erase it. Southern Hospitality is a term known around the world, I have never heard people talk about northern hospitality! Honor and respect to elders and women, people helping people, love of country, GOD and yes, our Flags. It is our Heritage. The Lord made me Southern and I can never be more and I can never be less. I am pleased with what the Lord hath made.


January 30, 2021- Saturday


So many people do not understand Southern Heritage. It is love of our land, our people and our Heritage. Southern Heritage dates back to the Founders of this country. Southern Men such as George Washington and George Mason wrote the Fairfax Resolves. Patrick Henry gave his Give Me Liberty speech (in a church). Thomas Jefferson was primary author on Declaration of Independence.

The list could go on.


Just because some people are biased is not a valid reason for us to give up our love of our Heritage.


February 6, 2020- Saturday 


Celebrating Southern Heritage is always a pleasure. People caring for and helping people. Southern Hospitality is a term known around the world. Have you every heard people bragging about northern hospitality?


We love our land and watch as people strive to come join us in our land. But some hate our land and want to turn it into what they moved from. We are not going to give up our love of our land, our people, our Heritage or our Flags just because these folks need therapy.


All of those who live in the South should love and care for all people.


Current officers for Southern Confederate Republic are:

Chairman- Charles Fish

Vice-Chairman- Vacant

Treasurer- Angie DeVore Henson

Secretary- Brandi Taylor

Group spokesman leader- Mike Crane


SCR will be gearing up for a few more charities and expanding their rides beginning this Spring. If you would like to join Southern Confederate Republic, you can send your request via the link on the Facebook page.


Show your Pride!




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