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Board Bullets Highlights of the Cherokee County Board of Education Meeting held at Central Office

Blue Ridge Mountains News

Thursday, April 23, 2020

EDITOR'S NOTE: We apologize for the layout of this page. Unfortunately due to submission format this was the only way it would upload to provide you with the highlights of the board meeting.

 Beginning at 5:30 pm Mr. Jeff Tatham called the meeting to order.  Mr. Joe Wood led the pledge of allegiance.  Mrs. Keesha Curtis read the mission statement.  The Agenda stands.  The Minutes from the regular meeting of March 12, 2020 stand.  Mr. Tatham called for public comment. There was none.  Mr. John Higdon delivered the facilities report.  Martins Creek Septic. Mr. Higdon provided an update on the Martins Creek septic project and then sought a consensus from the board to allow Civil Design Concepts to move forward and put the septic repair project out for bid. ~The Board approved Mr. Higdon to move forward with allowing Civil Design Concepts to seek bids for the project.  Following this, Mr. Higdon sought approval of several Capital Project items; those being:  Hiwassee Dam School Chiller Replacement change order  Johnson Controls $13,800.00  Network Operations Microsoft Licensing Agreements  Softchoice $21,568.00  Bus GPS Units Annual Equipment  Synovia Solutions $33,123.00  Ms. Stephanie Hass delivered the Budget Request. She began with presenting the State Public School and Capital Projects Funds for amendment. Ms. Hass next proposed use of ¼ Cent Sales Tax in the amount of $71,491.00 to be utilized as follows:  Johnson Controls – HD Chiller Replacement Change Order $13,800  Softchoice – Districtwide Microsoft Licensing Agreements $21,568  Synovia – Bus GPS Annual Equipment Renewal $36,123 ~The Budget amendments and use of ¼ cent sales tax is approved.  Mr. Joe Wood presented policies for 2nd reading, those being:  4240-7312 Child Abuse and Related Threats to Child Safety  7650 Employee Travel and Other Expenses Reimbursement ~The policies presented for second reading are approved.  Next, Mr. Wood presented the following policies for first reading:  1320-3560 Title I Parent & Family engagement  1610-7800 Professional & Staff Development  2127 Board Member Technology Use (New)  2302 Remote Participation in Board Meetings  7503 Teleworking (New)  Dr. Conley delivered her Superintendent’s report. She began by providing an update on the continuation of school. Dr. Conley stated that Governor Cooper announced during an update that on March 24, 2020 he and superintendent Mark Johnson will be giving a press conference with the decision about the continuation of school physically for the rest of the year. She went to say the Governor stated in regard to continuing to work remotely that is what teachers intend to do and follow our calendar and consider each day an instructional day. Dr. Conley then expressed how proud she is of the administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, cafeteria employees, and Mr. Clapsaddle and Mrs. Rayfield. She added that people have really stepped up, and this community is very blessed to have the folks working for us that we do. Dr. Conley then stated that no decision has been made about how best to hold prom or graduations. She added that these are certainly things we want our students to have and experience and to the best of our abilities we are going to try to ensure they do happen. She state the Governor did announce today a very slow re-opening plan to take place in phases; following this plan we will be able to decide when we will be able to gather again. Dr. Conley stressed that we certainly don’t want the students to miss out on any of these things. She added that all the administrators have been meeting with seniors to discuss different ways they can celebrate. Dr. Conley interjected at this point that graduation and prom are really not just a day to these students, but more a season, and that the administration of Cherokee County Schools is really distressed that students are missing out on this season so we are going to do everything possible to mitigate that and make it as special a time as possible for them. She added then that at this time nothing has been cancelled except maybe the prom dates and only in that they are not rescheduled at this time. She then said she didn’t want to make any false promises because we really do not know when this will end; but to the best of the Board’s and school’s ability we will make sure these students have the memories they deserve. Dr. Conley then informed the Board that the State Board of Education has passed a Resolution on grading. She stated she will be giving direction to the principals as far as grading for the rest of the year; she added it’s very unusual times in that children are receiving different levels of support and help simply because everyone lives in a different house, everyone has different things to do; she believes some students will return ahead of the game because some students have taught them math by making them cook, taken PE by mowing the yard and sweeping—and kudos to those parents who’ve done that!—and we are going to take into account the ability to help students catch up. She added the last thing we want is for any student to be held back because of this COVID time. She clarified this by stating there will be no retentions due to COVID and that we will use actual data to ensure students have what they need moving forward and upon re-entry we will be working on our re-entry plan and have in place some type of ability to assess students to see where they are and help them get caught up. Dr. Conley informed the Board that this aid for student catch up is being called “bridge classes” or maybe “A—B classes”. She next advised the Board on the status of next years school calendar. Dr. Conley stated there are a lot of discussions happening across the state. It had been discussed we could start back August 1, 2020; but it has been determined that such a start up date now wouldn’t be possible. She added that some of the summer “jump-start” classes may begin August 1 for students to be brought back to the grade level they should be in. Dr. Conley stressed these dates are, at this point, “what ifs”. And that we’ve been instructed not to finalize anything to do with next years calendar pending further guidance from the state. Dr. Conley next acknowledged Murphy Middle School, Ms. Clapsaddle and Mr. David Decker the CTE teacher for creating re-usable N95 masks using a 3D printer and that over 20 has been printed and donated to the EMS. She then expressed a big thank you to Robin Caldwell, the Emergency Management Director for being so available and her team, Sam Davis and everyone else; she added they keep us briefed at least once a week and answer all our questions. She then thanked David Badger for being available anytime there is a question or concern. Dr. Conley then acknowledged members of the county. She then acknowledged the following individuals, businesses and churches:  Murphy Power Board. She stated they have stepped up in a very big way; on their own lunch time they have delivered meals to students for us to places our buses can reach. They have also made a significant donation that is going to allow us to provide chromebooks to families that don’t have them so they can stay connected, and given us the ability to provide connectivity through “hot-spots” and through cable and also they have begun work with us to work this summer with our students to put a program in place using our current counselors and teachers to account for the social and emotional welfare of our students. She added it’s been a very scary, depressing and anxious time for a lot of our students so we’re very concerned at losing contact with students over the summer, the Power Board recognizes this. So discussions have been taking place with Mr. Kernea and his wish is that the Power Board has some meaningful impact. She then thanked Mr. Kernea and the Murphy Power Board.  Steven Aft of State Farm  Mercer Orchards donated apples  Ingles donated bags  Lowe’s donated masks  IOI has donated masks  Sysco Food Delivery  The Western North Carolina Rotary and the Cherokee County Rotary—in 28 hours the Cherokee County Rotary filled the front office at Central with hygiene products for students.  AMERICOR  REACH  First United Methodist Church of Andrews  First United Methodist Church of Murphy  United Methodist Church Missions Team  Wagner Chicken farm donated 50 dozen or more eggs  Mayors, James Reid and Rick Ramsey  BRMEMS  Balsam West, The Murphy Cable Co.  Snowbird Mountain Brewery  Red Brick Deli  Kale Curtis at Circuit World  Nancy Taylor of the First Baptist Church of Andrews  Pastor Robby Morris and United Methodist Church of Andrews  Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters  The Pope family, Norton family, McPherson family  Temple Baptist Church  Shady Grove Baptist Church  Bless My Stitches Quilting and Dr. Barbara Haydon  Pleasant Hill Baptist Church  Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Cherokee County  Vengeance Creek Baptist Church  Jeff & Marsha Mashburn  Valleytown Baptist Church  Johnathan Ellison of the Andrews Dollar Store  The Rotary Club of Cherokee County—they will be holding a mana drop on April 30, 2020 at noon at Murphy Middle School  Brown’s Fish Farm donated fish  Upon conclusion of this, Dr. Conley next initiated discussion about the analysis of the Schools and she asked for permission from the Board to release the analysis to the public. She added the document ties into having the Public Meeting discussed at previous meetings in order to look at the long range plan and potential consolidation of schools. She added that by releasing the analysis to the public they can become aware of all the information being used by the Board and also use the information to help them form informed decisions going into the public meeting. She then sought Mr. Dean Shatley’s guidance as far as hosting a public meeting during the COVID time. There was a great deal of discussion; some of the recommendations being hosting the meeting in a public building where a number the public could be in the same room but spread out as in a gymnasium, cafeteria, and possibly utilize classrooms for people who wish to attend but their presence exceeds the maximum number allowed for the space and have the meeting streamed live, Zoomed, or otherwise broadcast so the public can observe and listen. It was also discussed that people who wish to comment could schedule times when they would be called by a member on the Board so they can communicate their comment or send emails that would be read. Discussion then turned to the importance of moving forward with the plans but in no way should there be a limit on the public’s availability to express their concern. Following this the Board and Superintendent began discussions about an appropriate date and time to host the Public Meeting. After much discussion, it was decided to hold a Public Meeting on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 beginning at 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Murphy High School. It was also decided that people will be afforded the opportunity to attend in person within the constraints outlined in the Governor’s order, phone in to communicate their comments or write and email their comments. Following this, discussion began regarding the specific purpose of the Public Meeting. At the conclusion of which it was decided to make the purpose of the Public Meeting about the entire long-range plan and that it will be held on May 20, 2020 beginning at 5:30 pm to 9 pm at Murphy High School. ~The motion is approved.  Mr. Arnold Mathews read the motion to adjourn to break and closed session. ~The motion is approved.  When the Board returned to open session, the following actions are taken:  The Board approved the following resignations & retirements: Name Position & Assignment, Type of Request Effective Date Arthur Carver TA, Bus Driver, MHS Resignation 04/03/2020 David Grant Bus/Custodian (PT), MES Resignation 04/09/2020 Julia Hall Pay & Benefits Advisor Resignation 04/30/2020 Stephanie Henn Teacher, REMS Resignation 06/05/2020 Jerry Morgan Therapist, District Resignation 06/05/2020 Susanne Parker Teacher, PES Retirement 06/05/2020 Alice Rich Child Nutrition, PES Resignation 03/30/2020  The Board approved the following leave of absence: Name Inclusive Dates Savannah Anderson 02/24/2020—06/09/2020  The Board approved the following personnel hiring recommendations: Effective Date Name Position & Assignment of Employment Lindsay Campana Speech Pathologist, District 08/10/2020  The Superintendent announced the following personnel transfer: Name From To Effective Date Jill Kernea Office Support, MES Pay/Benefits Advisor, Dist. 04/21/2020  The Board approved the following School Volunteers: Reason for Application Name School Volunteering Renewal Date James Ellis AMS Coaching multiple sports 04/23/2021  Mr. Tatham announced the next Board Meeting to be held at Central Office on May 28, 2020 beginning at 5:30 pm.  Mr. Tatham next announced a Public Hearing to be held May 20, 2020 beginning at 5:30 pm at Murphy High School.  Having dispensed with the foregoing business and having no further business to conduct the Board of Education adjourned at 7:50 pm.

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