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Fannin County


Four years ago, the citizens of Fannin County elected me as Chairman to "get things done and watch our tax dollars." While working and compromising with the two Post Commissioners, we have voted unanimously 96% of the time on 400 county business votes during the last three years.

Some of our major accomplishments are:

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* Twice lowered the Millage Property Tax Rate to a record low 3.938, the lowest rate in the state of Georgia.

* Completed the new Fire Station on Windy Ridge within budget and with no debt owed.

* Slowed the budget to less than 2% growth the last three years after inheriting a budget that increased 20% over 2016.

* Re-introduced chip sealing on County roads - reducing cost, eliminating dust. Public Works has achieved 84 miles of chip seal and asphalt resurfacing in only three years.

* Worked with Chamber and Development Authority to encourage business and employment.

* Introduced employee participation in retirement programs while protecting current retirees and existing employee participants on the fixed benefit retirement.

* Per the 2016 SPLOST mandate, purchased the Whitepath Building for future home of County Administration offices which will improve public access, parking and a potential new location for the Library.

* Numerous improvements at the Animal Control facility to protect employees, provide a healthy environment for the animals, and facilitate public access.

Fannin County Government is a $28.5 million dollar/year entity. I believe in challenging departments that are overstaffed and overfunded regardless of whether it is popular or will cost votes. Our Public Works Department and Tax Assessors Office are just two departments that are meeting that challenge and should be commended on their progress. Law Enforcement and all Public Safety personnel are important to this administration as it was to the previous administration. Since 2015, the average hourly rate for patrol officers has risen from $12.91/hr. to the current rate of $19.64/hr. This is your tax dollars, and you have done well to support our Sheriff's Department.


Fannin County is thriving; but there are still many challenges ahead. I grew up here, educated in the Fannin School System, and received my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Georgia.


Fannin County is a community with many people who desire to see their local heritage respected as we manage the change and growth.

"I consider it a great honor & privilege to serve as your Chairman."

Stan Helton

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